Help Protect Captiva

Lee County Board of County Commissioners Votes Against Near-Unanimous Opposition of Residents

Here's The Reality: South Seas Just Confirmed Our Community's Worst Fears.

South Seas Island Resort and Timbers Resorts have confirmed our worst fears – it has always been about more hotel rooms and condos. It’s always been about density.

South Seas Island Resort’s true intentions were made clear just days after Lee County commissioners approved the sweeping changes to the Lee Plan and Land Development Code. The resort’s rezoning application seeks more than 700 hotel rooms and condos, a significant increase from the current 247 units – especially when this was supposedly never about density. The resort also plans to build up to 64 feet, towering over all other buildings on Captiva.

Exactly what we warned would happen has unfortunately begun to take shape. It’s more important now than ever that we use all available resources to protect our special barrier island.


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About Our Coalition

The Protect Captiva Coalition was established in June 2023 by concerned citizens and organizations in opposition to increasing building height and density and opening the door for hundreds of new hotel rooms on Captiva Island. Our coalition includes more than 13,000 residents, organizations, and other individuals who are opposed to this shortsighted plan that will forever change the character and safety of Captiva.

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"CCA Foundation," write "Legal Fund" in the memo, and mail it to PO Box 775, Captiva, FL 33924.


It’s Time for More Contributions to the Protect Captiva Legal Fund

Legal representation by our land use and trial attorneys could not have been better. And our planning, traffic, and evacuation experts at the Rezoning Hearing were compelling. We are now retaining the best representation for the appellate work. To do ...

Circuit Court Decision Still Prohibits Lee County from Issuing More Than 912 Building Permits for South Seas

No matter what happens in the rezoning case, South Seas cannot exceed the 912-unit cap unless our Circuit Court decision is reversed. For that reason, both South Seas and Lee County have appealed Judge Shenko’s decision — ...

Protect Captiva Presented 52 Witnesses Against South Seas Rezoning Application; South Seas Gets to Respond in April

On Feb. 20, 21, 26, 28, and March 20 and 21, the Hearing Examiner in the South Seas rezoning case heard from Captiva Civic Association's (CCA) attorney and expert witnesses, from representatives of the majority of ...