
Protect Captiva Legal Update

April 5, 2024

As reported earlier, the Captiva Civic Association (CCA) for the Protect Captiva Coalition filed a petition under State statutes challenging the Land Development Code amendments as inconsistent with the governing Lee Plan. The State’s Department of Commerce has scheduled an informal hearing on the Petition for April 4 and will issue a written decision sometime in May. Depending upon that decision, […]

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Video Premiere & Latest Legal Update

March 28, 2024

About 120 people attended the Protect Captiva Coalition’s video premiere and legal update on March 27 at the Captiva Civic Association. Interviewees featured in the video include: The video chronicles why the Protect Captiva Coalition came into existence within the historical context of Sanibel and Captiva. It also features comments made by the Lee County […]

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