Friday is the Time to Make Our Voices Heard

The Hearing Examiner in the South Seas rezoning case has been hearing testimony from Protect Captiva’s attorneys and expert witnesses since last Thursday — explaining why the increases in density and building heights should not be approved. The hearings on Feb. 20 and 21 can be viewed on YouTube.

Starting again on Wednesday, Feb. 26, additional expert witnesses and attorneys will continue to make our case against the rezoning application. The hearings will be broadcast live on LeeTV for those who cannot attend the hearing. There is no hearing on Thursday.

Then, starting on Friday, Feb. 28, the Hearing Examiner will hear from the residents of Captiva and Sanibel who want their voices heard in opposition to the increase from 272 to 628 units on the applicant’s property. The hearing will start on Friday at 9 a.m. in the Chambers of the Board of County Commissioners located at 2120 Main Street, Fort Myers.

It is important for Captiva and Sanibel residents to attend on Friday to have their voices heard. It’s our time to speak out.

The Hearing Examiner needs to see that our communities strongly oppose the efforts by South Seas to increase density and building heights. Witnesses can make their own statement or just state their name and address, and that they oppose the rezoning applications for the reasons stated by the Captiva Civic Association and the Captiva Community Panel.

If you plan to attend, please email your name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number to [email protected].

Please help us continue our efforts to Protect Captiva.

Your tax-deductible contribution to the Legal Fund can be made here.

See previous updates here at