
Protect Captiva Legal Update & Gulfshore Business Article

May 2, 2024

The “Protect Captiva” coalition wants to bring two linked documents to your attention. Both support the Captiva community’s contention (and continuing legal actions) that increasing building heights and density on Captiva and South Seas is unlawful and inappropriate on a fragile barrier island. A public information request by our legal team uncovered a document entitled “South Seas […]

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Protect Captiva Corrects South Seas Statement

April 17, 2024

In its letter to South Seas homeowners, some of which was reprinted in the Santiva Chronicle, the new owners of South Seas distort the facts while criticizing community groups working to “Protect Captiva” from overdevelopment on South Seas. We take this opportunity to correct the record. 1. South Seas writes: Last December, South Seas unveiled a Redevelopment Plan that would maintain […]

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Protect Captiva Legal Update

April 5, 2024

As reported earlier, the Captiva Civic Association (CCA) for the Protect Captiva Coalition filed a petition under State statutes challenging the Land Development Code amendments as inconsistent with the governing Lee Plan. The State’s Department of Commerce has scheduled an informal hearing on the Petition for April 4 and will issue a written decision sometime in May. Depending upon that decision, […]

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Video Premiere & Latest Legal Update

March 28, 2024

About 120 people attended the Protect Captiva Coalition’s video premiere and legal update on March 27 at the Captiva Civic Association. Interviewees featured in the video include: The video chronicles why the Protect Captiva Coalition came into existence within the historical context of Sanibel and Captiva. It also features comments made by the Lee County […]

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Mid-February Legal Update

February 14, 2024

As previously reported, the Protect Captiva coalition continues to make its case against increased density and building heights on two separate fronts — in a Petition with the state challenging the Code amendments that allow for increased density and building heights on South Seas, and against the South Seas rezoning application filed with the County […]

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It’s Time for Contributions to the Legal Fund

January 10, 2024

Now that South Seas Island Resort has announced its intentions to radically increase density from 247 to 707 units with three-story buildings up to 64 feet in height – and now that our County Commissioners have paved the way for this overdevelopment on Captiva – it’s time for the “Protect Captiva” coalition to pursue every […]

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Petition Filed with County Challenging New Land Development Regulations

January 9, 2024

CAPTIVA, Fla. – Representing the Protect Captiva coalition, the Captiva Civic Association (CCA) filed a petition with Lee County on Jan. 8 challenging the new land development regulations that increase building heights on Captiva, and building heights and hotel density on South Seas Island Resort.  “The communities of Captiva and Sanibel came out in force […]

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South Seas Confirms Community’s Worst Fears

December 15, 2023

On Dec. 14, South Seas announced that it is seeking to amend its current zoning to radically increase its allowable building heights and density. With its planned rezoning application now filed with the county, South Seas has confirmed the Captiva and Sanibel communities’ worst fears – fears that the Board of County Commissioners would never […]

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Lee County BoCC Votes Against Near Unanimous Opposition of Residents

December 7, 2023

After dozens of speakers testified before the Board of County Commissioners during a two-hour-long public hearing Wednesday, Lee County commissioners voted 4-1 (Commissioner Ruane objecting) to approve changes to the county’s comprehensive plan removing longstanding building-height limitations governing Captiva Island. Their vote to approve the amendments came despite an extremely strong show of support from […]

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It’s Almost Time: Voice Your Opposition to the Proposed Lee County Amendments on December 6 at 9:30am

December 4, 2023

We are just 2 days away from the Lee County Commissioners’ vote on the proposed amendments designed to increase building heights and density on Captiva. The meeting agenda is now available. Our community needs to make our opposition loud and clear to the commissioners – we must protect the health and safety of our beautiful […]

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